Terms & Conditons

Copyright Policy

All the contents and details solely belongs to W3information.

All files and information contained in this Website are copyright by w3information, and may not be duplicated, copied, modified or adapted, in any way without getting proper consent from w3information.

If the party violates (he/she) would be penalized as per the copyright Law.

This website shouldn’t be linked with any other website nor it should be embedded with any other site.

Usage of the contents should be solely used for the following pupose:

  • Educations
  • Project plannings
  • Research
  • Teaching


Onlinetpoint cannot guarantee 100 % accuracy in data. We cannot be held responsible for any risk incurred by the user either by undeviating or meandering.

All information provided by examples are without guarantees to perfectionism, robustness, merchantability, and/or any other warranty (whether expressed or implied).

We may have errors or bugs in our pages, which might hinder the precision of the site.

we would be very grateful if you could bring those errors into light which can be corrected in order to ensure better data transparency.

Email: support@w3information.com